I was DELIGHTED to win the Isle of Man Steam Packet Company Award for Nurturing our Arts, Culture & Heritage at the Media Isle of Man Awards For Excellence last month. I am now based in Glasgow, but this project was began when I lived on the Isle of Man.

The award was for our project Let's Get Wild! An audio immersive theatre experience for ages 5-9. You can find out more about it here: chloeshimmin.co.uk/letsgetwild

We worked with a whole host of creatives on this project. Our wonderful composer & sound designer was David Kilgallon

The project was commissioned by Manx Wildlife Trust, funded by Manx Lottery Trust and travel support from Isle of Man Arts Council.

Good news... Let's Get Wild! will continue to be performed in schools & community groups over the next 3 years. Check out: mwt.im/letsgetwild to find out more!


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