Group of school students in uniforms with quote overlay about storytelling by a Year 8 pupil.


Devised and created in collaboration with young people affected by Child Criminal Exploitation. Research and development collaboration with Isle of Man Prison and Probation Service, Year 8 students and a group of community actors.

Commissioned by Kensington Arts as part of their Theatre In Education Programme.

TRAPPED toured high schools and was accompanied by workshops that I designed and facilitated.

94% of students agreed the show was interesting and engaging, while 91% found the subject matter challenging and powerful.


Dylan is a happy teenager who lives on a rural estate. A safe place where nothing ever happens.

As he hits 13 years old, he realises the growing gulf between him and his friends. They all have the latest iPhone, gadgets and clothes. He is getting left behind.

His need to fit in and to find independence from his parents drives an unlikely friendship with a stranger. Dropping a package for £100.00!? Easy money. What could go wrong, right?

“I would like to congratulate the team who captured the attention of over one hundred teenagers in their debut show. The script and production was very well presented and it was clear that significant research and development had taken place. This will achieve great outcomes, not only for Culture Division but for the schools and young people who will benefit from being involved.” 

- Emma Callin, Head of Culture and Arts, Isle of Man

School assembly with students seated in rows, large room with ceiling lights and artwork on walls, teachers or speakers at the front.
Group of people indoors, one holding a blue tin, another drinking from a bottle, seated and standing, with framed art on walls.


Commissioned by
Kensington Arts

Devised for and with young people (ages 12 +)

November 2022

Students in uniforms studying together at a desk with books in a classroom setting.
Four people standing in front of a Kensington Arts banner inside a wooden-paneled room.
Two people in a large room with wooden floors; one is sitting on a chair, and the other is lying on a bench holding a paper. A colorful tree artwork is in the background.