The show

The process

Research and development:

I collaborated with wildlife experts to conduct research that informed the overall project. We had no idea what this show would look like at this point, but we called it ‘The Wildlife Project.’

The experts were incredible generous with their knowledge; we went rock-pooling, adventured around farms, planted trees and picked our expert’s brains!

Many thanks to: Mike, the Marine Wildlife Ranger, Andree Dubbeldam BSc (Hons) PGCert, the Senior Woodland Ranger, Dr Lara Howe, Marine Officer and David Bellamy - Head of Conservation and Land.

By integrating their insights into ecology and conservation, the project was able to be both educational and engaging, fostering a deeper connection between young participants and the natural world.

This collaboration not only enriched the creative process but also strengthened the impact of the work!


Then, I met our co-creators for the first time! Focusing on making a safe, inclusive environment - I led creative workshops that engaged young people with wildlife and theatre!

We spoke about co-creation and asked if they wanted to be involved; thankfully they did!

Over a period of a year, I worked with our co-creators through engaging workshops as I found out more about their interests and concerns for wildlife. Through games, imagination based exercises, writing and creating together; I had a mammoth amount of material and inspiration! Through our work, the show began to come together, bit by bit!

What it became…

Through the development process, it became clear that the best way to tell this story without disturbing any wildlife around us, would be to tell it through silent-disco style headphones. It became an audio-immersive production!

Which meant we needed David, our composer and sound designer, to join us for some workshops. We tested out musical ideas, character voices and themes. We even tried some of ideas through the headphones, to see what the young people wanted to change and what they liked.

And of course, we recorded their voices and included them in the songs!

Launch Shows

Our co-creators LOVED the show that they created. They laughed, get involved and ultimately were really impressed their own voices were in their ears!

The whole project fostered a deep connection to nature and the environment for young people and their families.

Want to hear Let’s Get Wild?


Starcatchers - Artist


WildChild Festival (in development)